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Your partner

in  wellness

My name is (Coach)  Daven ErvinAfter 2 and a half years of high school football, I decided I could no longer play due to multiple permenant injuries; but to kept exercising. I have exercised for years, training myself and friends; I fell in love with helping people transform and become more comfortable in their skin.


I started off as a personal trainer, because I wanted to help women lose weight and feel beautiful.

Along the way, I learned a few things. It takes more than just fitness to really impact someone's life, especially those who want to see changes for good. So, I eventually became a wellness coach, because it takes lifestyle changes for you to have sustainable results. I'm more than just a personal trainer; I am here to help you transform your mind, body, and life. 

I help women grow their glutes, tone their bodies, and optimize their lifestyles to achieve sustainable results.

Going to the gym is not enough, if your lifestyle does not uphold to sustain your results. 

But that's where I come in...

I'm not just here to help you get in shape and perfect your glutes...I am here to help you make the lifestyle changes that you need in order to sustain your results and live an overall healthy and well lifestyle. I'm not just a personal trainer, I am a lifestyle optimization expert. I help create a road map to get you from where you are in your health and wellness journey to where you want to be!

The best part is: these results are permanent!

They're changes to your lifestyle that you will sustain! ​


(PCOS) Lifestyle Coaching 

I realized that the gym was just one piece of the puzzle for most people, including women with PCOS. 

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a condition that has affected many of those around me; but what I don't see a lot of around me, is support for these warriors, and that's where I come in. 


PCOS symptoms are not the end of the road! There is hope for you, through some simple lifestyle practices and consistent support. 

I have decided that I wanted to dedicate part of my practice to helping those with PCOS and insulin resistance manage their symptoms naturally.

I am a coach, and not a doctor, so I do not provide medical advice; what I do provide, is guidance in the lifestyle changes that you need to manage your symptoms naturally. 


Whether your goal is to look and feel your best self, or if you're trying to manage and improve your health: my goal is to help you achieve your goals and to make sure you never turn back.

The grind never stops, and neither will we.

Together, we will help you live a healthy lifestyle and to have an improved overall sense of well-being! I'm bringing a new brand of personal training to the Biloxi area! You can now find me at Iron Works gym as a personal trainer! 


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